Alopecia/ Alopecia areata is also known as spot baldness, is an autoimmune disease in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body, usually form the scalp due to failure of the body to recognize its own cells and destroy its tissue as if it were an invader. Often it may causes bald spot on the scalp and in some cases on the chin or any other parts of the body. The condition can spread to the entire scalp or any other part of the body.Signs & Symptoms:
- Typical first symptom of the alopecia is bald patches. The underlying skin is unscarred and looks superficially normal. These patches can take many shapes, but most usually round or oval. Alopecia most often affects the scalp and beard region, but it may occur on any hair bearing part of the body. Different skin areas can exhibit hair loss and regrowth at the same time.
- The disease may also go into the remission for a time or may be permanent. It is common in children, but that doesn't mean that it wont occur in adults.
- The hair tends to fall out over a short period of time, with the loss commonly occurring more on one side of scalp than the other.
Alopecia is usually diagnosed based on the clinical features.
- Alopecia is not contagious. It occurs more frequently in people who have affected family members suggesting heredity may be a factor.
- Strong evidence of genetic association with increased risk of Alopecia was found by studying families with two or more affected members.
- It is slightly more likely to occur in people who have relatives with autoimmune diseases.
There is no specific treatment for the alopecia, in some cases hair regrows after some times, And in other one has to use the cortico steroid for local application and internally as well.
Our Acharyas have considered this condition under Shiro Rogas, but according to some acharyas it also comes under Kshudra Roga. But the root cause is almost same, because of improper Diet or life style, Vata along with kapha gets aggravated and settle down in the root of the hair follicle, and causes IndraLupta. According to some instead of kapha, pitta comes, when vata gets vitiated along with the pitta and settle in the roots of hair follicles, and obstructs the nourishment by kapha and rakta causes IndraLupta.
- For IndraLupta mainly responsible factors are, Vata + Kapha.
- But according to some acharyas Vata + Pitta + Sleshama & Rakta vaha Srotas.
Treatment As Par Ayurveda:
- For the treatment of IndraLupta Acharyas have clearly mentioned some Lepas, as the first line of treatment.
- (For more detail about Lepa Please contact me, as there are so many Lepas cant write them all here.)
- Then Rakta Mokshana Karma has to be done properly.
- When Rakta Mokshana Karma and lep treatments are finished, then only internal medicines has to be given.
- And When you are giving the internal medicine and Lepa please try to give them in fresh condition, I mean prepare one day prior to administration, or else just one month prior not more then that.
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