Monday, November 30, 2015

Neem- Drug Information.

Neem Leaf

Neem Tree
Neem Fruit
Neem Flower

According to Charakacharya it comes under Kandugna gana. And Tikta skandha.

Botanical name: Azadirachta indica.

Family: Meliaceae

English Name: Margosa tree.

Botanical Description:

Neem is a fast growing tree that can reach up to 15 to 20 meters and very rarely 35 to 40 meters. It is ever green tree but in severe drought it may shed most of all its leaves. Its branches are wide spread.

Bark: It has hard and rough bark. Its color is greyish brown.
Leaves: Its leaves 1-2 inch long are alternate and consist of several leaflets.
Flowers: It blossoms in spring with small white flowers.
Fruits: Its fruits are oval, round and thin skinned. Its just like olive fruit.

Habitat: It is wild spread throughout tropical and semi tropical regions like India, SriLanka, Malasia, Bangaladesh, Bhutan.

Chemical Composition:

bark contains
                           Nimbin - 0.04%
                           Nimbosterol- 0.03%
                           Nimbidin - 0.001%
                           Volatile oil - 0.02%
                           Tenin - 6%.

Seed oil contains 

Hard wood contains

Sees contains     
                          Constant oil 45%

Ayurvedic Description:

Guna / Properties.

Guna: Laghu
Rasa: Tikta
Virya: Sita
Vipaka: Katu


Dosa Karma:   Kapha Pitta shaamaka.

Samsthaanika Karma:

Baahya/ External Use: 
Its skin/ outer layer helps in bacterial infection, helps in healing the wound, helps in pacifying the bad smell, it cures itching. 
Its seed oil helps in itching and pacifying the pain.

Aabhyaantara / Internal Use:
Hyper-acidity, in worms, helps in purifying the blood, helps in curing the kapha related disorder, 


About any drug or disorder feel free to contact.

Vd. Nirjar T. Shukla

Shadashiv Ayurvedic Clinic. Panchakarma & Acupuncture Centre.
Hatadiya Bazar,
Ph: +91 2674 252479
Shadashiv Ayurvedic Clinic. Panchakarma & Acupuncture Centre.
5/B Srutikunj Socity,
B/S Ilaj medical store,
Nr. Old Maninagar Railway Crossing.
Maninagar (E).-980008

Ph: +919429618855

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)- Drug information

Manjistha Powder Dry...
Manjistha Plants...
 Manjistha comes under rakta pradana gana.

Botanical name: Rubia cordifolia.

Family: Rubiaceae.

English Name: Indian Madder.

Botanical Description:

It is a creeper can grow upto 1.5 meter in height.
Its leaves are 5 to 10 centi. long and 2 to 3 centi. broad, produced in 4 to 7 star like around the central stem.
It climbs with tiny hooks at the end of leaves and stems.
Its flowers are small with five pale yellow petals in dense dense racemes.
Its roots are reddish, long and thick.


It is available in all parts of India, upto 8000 ft. height.

Chemical Composition:
Its roots contain an organic compound called Alizarin, that gives its red color to a textile dye known as Rose madder. It also used as colorant. It also contains Purpurin, Manjistin, and Jenopthyurin, and psodupurpurin.


It is heavy in digestion and can cause dryness.
It has bitter, pungent and sweet in taste.
Its Vipak is Katu.
It is Ushana Virya.


Dosha Karma: Kapha Pitta Shaamaka.

Externally it helps to subside swelling, helps in healing the wounds, and it helps in various skin problems.

It also helps in blood Purification.

In short it mainly helps in skin disorders and also helps as intermodulator.

Its Useful part for the treatment is its Mula/ Root.


It can be taken in 50 to 100 ml/ day. in liquid form.
1 to 3 grms./day. in choorna/powder form.

Depends on the condition, and treating Ayurvedic Physician.


Vd. Nirjar T. Shukla

Shadashiv Ayurvedic Clinic,
Hatadiya Bazar,

5/B Srutikunj Socity,
B/S Ilaj medical store,
Nr. Old Maninagar Railway Crossing.
Maninagar (E).-980008

Ph: +919429618855

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

  1. In morning clean area around eyes with potato or cucumber juice. Dip cotton swab in that juice and clean properly.
  2. Morning & Evening one glass orange or Amalaki/ Indian gooseberry juice- for drink.
  3. Have food properly and regularly, which should have all vitamins and minerals mostly iron reach, such as green vegetables, milk, and bit root.
  4. Take vitamin C and vitamin E reach diet, or else you can have supplements for the same.
  5. In evening clean area around eyes with potato or cucumber juice. Dip cotton swab in that juice and clean properly.
  6. Apply multani mitti + Rose water for normal skin. For dry skin multani mitti + buttermilk. For oily skin multani mitti + milk. Keep it for 10 minutes or half an hour maximum. Then wash with normal or luck warm water. Avoid cold water.
  7. Then keep cucumber slice over eyes for 10 minutes if you wish to keep for longer then also no harm will be done.
  8. Apply lemon and tomato juice twice a day.
  9. Before sleep apply milk cream over face.
  10. Drink plenty of water (10 to 15 glasses minumem.)
  11. Reduce stress by practicing yoga and meditation.
  12. Pranayaama reduces dark circles and increases glow of the skin.
  13. Sleep properly. Atleast 6 to 7 hours.
  14. Cover your skin fully when you go out in the sun.
  15. Donate your blood regularly once in every three months, that helps in productions of new blood cells. And by donating your blood you can save the life of needed one.